Grant Application Information

Grant Application Process
Proposals are accepted on an invitation-only basis and must include the following information:
Completed Cover Sheet and Full Proposal Narrative Form from Philanthropy MA
Tax exemption letter indicating 501 (C) (3) status
Financial statement for the past two years
The current operating budget
List of board members
List of major sources of support (i.e. contributions and contributors)​
Please submit all materials to the application portal here:
Application Deadline
Trustees meet three times per year: February, June and October.
To be considered, organizations must submit application materials no later than the following deadlines:
January 2 for consideration at the February Board meeting
April 30 for consideration at the June Board meeting
August 30 for consideration at the October Board meeting
From time to time, the trustees may ask applicants to schedule a site visit or management call after submitting an application.
Reporting Requirements:
All organizations must include detailed, written progress reports with each subsequent application to the foundation.