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The A.M. Fund

The A.M. Fund is a Boston-based family foundation established in 2001 committed to working with its non-profit partners to create lasting change for an equitable, safe and just world.

Mission Statement

The A.M. Fund seeks to promote educational opportunity, economic self-sufficiency,
social empowerment
and human rights for disenfranchised populations;
and to improve
the well-being of children.


Fields of Interest

The A.M. Fund will consider requests from organizations aligned with its mission in five fields of interest.

Expanding educational opportunities

The A.M. Fund seeks to support organizations that expand educational opportunities to individuals with limited access to high-quality school programs, after-school programs, and community-based academic and cultural programs.

Improving economic self-sufficiency

The A.M. Fund is interested in supporting programs that encourage and enable individuals and organizations to have an entrepreneurial approach toward helping their communities achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Promotíng social empowerment

The A.M. Fund has a special interest in supporting programs that improve the ability of individuals to advocate for their communities, become involved in public policy, and develop contributing citizens.

Fostering human rights

The A.M. Fund is supportive of programs that promote human rights for all people. Public policy initiatives, advocacy, and education programs that seek to improve the human rights of developing populations, globally and locally, are eligible for support. 

Improving the well-being of children

The A.M. Fund has an interest in social programs that improve and enhance access for children to food, shelter, childcare, education, health care, and safety from abuse.


“To see the Earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the Earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold — brothers who know now they are truly brothers.”

Archibald MacLeish

Qualities We Value

The A.M. Fund supports innovative and strategic non-profit organizations with effective programs and new ideas that improve lives and address the systemic root causes of inequity.

Organizations that receive grants from The A.M. Fund share the following characteristics:


  • Seek to affect long-term, systemic change by addressing public policy as a priority, rather than focusing solely on direct services


  • Demonstrate efficient use of resources by maintaining low overhead costs


  • Established by social entrepreneurs to identify and implement new solutions to insidious problems


  • Strive to become more self-sufficient organizations by decreasing their reliance on private funding sources


  • Sit outside of mainstream politics or conventional thinking which may cause them to not qualify for traditional sources of funding



Geographic Focus


The A.M. Fund makes grants nationally and internationally, but it takes a special interest in programs and organizations benefitting greater Boston.





The A.M. Fund does not normally provide funds for major cultural institutions, hospitals, and universities.


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